Winter, my least favorite time of the year. I look out at the barren emptiness of my gardens and grimace. How I miss the green tendrils of vines growing across pathways, making Bonnie's garden patrols that much more difficult.

I miss the rich greenness of Thalias.

I miss cantaloupes,


and cucumbers, looking good and tasting great.

Beautiful red tomatoes, ready to eat and so delicious but now gone.

Green beans, thick as hair on a dog's back, complete with a surprise that came up right in the middle. It was so pretty.

Deep reds,

delicate pinks,

and not so delicate pinks. Not there now.

There were vibrant yellows,

and orange.

Even blues and purples were there.

Even brown is nice when it's on a flower.

Now, nothing but the bare nakedness of the winter landscape.
I want my gardens back.
Happy New Year to you Bob! It has finally gotten rather dreary...looking forward to some pops of color myself!
Lovely photos! Sorry you're feeling so glum.
I hear you, me too! Always fun to look back on the warm, sunny days. :) Happy New Year!
ME TOO! I just went and bought new seeds for the spring garden, so there's that to look forward to I guess...
Certainly don't miss the 100+ degree days where'd I sit inside in the AC and look through the window at the garden. Of course, now when it's in the 40s and windy, I sit inside with the heater running and look through the window.
Me too! It was sunny and mild this morning, then the clouds rolled in and all was gray. It's supposed to stay that way all week.
That's a great shot of Thalia. I used to grow this plant. I miss it.
David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston
Thanks for the trip back in time. I loved it! Spring will be here before you know it.
happy New Year Bob. Me too. I can hardly function when it is cold. Isn't it wonderful to look back at all those photographs. Sometimes I can't believe my eyes at all the beauty of spring, summer and fall flowers. By the way, what is that 2nd purple flower. Surely not a larkspur. The flowers look so tight.
I know the feeling...I don't mind cooler weather or rain, but I do really miss the garden :-(
L.R., that is May Night Sage. It is growing close to some Daturas in that picture. It only blooms for a about a month and it's over though. It is tough and It's been right there for ten years now.
Bob, I love this post! Your photos are great and this winter seems interminable, doesn't it? Are those pink poppies with all the layers of petals? The leaves look like a poppy, but it's pretty fancy. Remember this post in August, ok?
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