Filleree, as the old rancher pointed out, is probably one of the most important plants in the hill country where wild life is concerned. I'm sure he also knew that his cattle as well as the neighbors Barbado sheep would make good use of it as well. The native plants in the hill country of Texas are notorious for having very low protein values with very few even over 10%, and that is when they are at their prime. In the winter time they are closer to zero. Filleree has a protein content of over 17%, even in the winter, as that is when it is young and growing. That protein will be utilized by deer, turkeys, rabbits and other wildlife to keep them healthy through the rigors of the winter when many other food sources for these animals are lacking or gone altogether.
Such an important plant and you would have to look closely to even see it, growing flat to the ground. It's really easy to see though, if you know what to look for. During the winter many of it's tiny leaves are crimson red instead of green, and show up easily.
While the old rancher knew and appreciated the filleree for it's benefit to the animals, he could have cared less about the show of violet blooms that all native plant people would recognize as Stork's Bill. It's not one of the big show natives, with the blooms only hanging around for less than a month, but while it's here, it's here with a bang.
Wondering if we have something similar...this looks familiar.
almost seems like it would be sold as a ground cover (though I guess most would say it's a weed)...
That is adorable...I've never heard of it charming!
I am amazed that this plant grows here. In England we called it cranesbill. It is a pretty little flower and I would love for you to save me some seeds next spring. Do you think we will have a spring this year? My bluebonnets are so small and after this freeze I don't think they will amount to anything.
It's always nice to hop over and see what you're up to Bob! I miss you!
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Great post thankyou
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