I must admit that I don't like the title that much. I've always thought of artists as people too lazy to get real jobs. But I could be wrong. I truly don't like art for art's sake. The Mona Lisa would have been better if it had been painted on a door. You gotta have a door, you might as well have an interesting looking door rather than a plain one. But the painting accomplishes nothing but to just hang there, a woman with a grin like she just broke wind and she's thinking no one knows.
Useful art I can agree with. That's what I build. If you need a table, I'll build you a table that well may be a work of art. Curtain rods, every one needs curtain rods, you might as well have beautiful curtain rods. Whether it's a bench to sit on or a wine rack for your favorite merlot, it's better to have a one of a kind, beautiful piece than run of the mill and mundane. That is useful art. So, I might be a kinda, sorta, artist.

Although I must admit that while dragging pipe through fresh horse poop to build corrals the other day I didn't feel like an artist. Oh well, you do what makes you a living. It's a real job.
Somewhere in the back of my mind there is a quote from one of the leaders of the Arts & Crafts Movement or the American Craftsman movement that would fit you perfectly. Something about how everything in the house should be beautiful and everything in the house should have a use. Maybe it will come to me later.
Useful art---isn't that what skilled craftsmanship is? Does "craftsman" sound better to you than "artist," Bob?
Your work is lovely indeed. I especially admire your curtain rods. Congratulations on this opportunity.
Yeah, I gotta say that I like your art/craftsmanship!
I was going to say craftsman but I see Pam/Digging beat me to it.
I understand exactly what you're saying...you're a "form follows function" kinda guy and I appreciate that. I prefer to have useful things that are also beautiful rather than a clutter of doodads that are supposed to pretty up the place.
Still laughing about your description of the Mona Lisa.
I love the metal work you've done. I actually have some metal flowers in my garden that I bought at the Austin Fine Art festival and I have loved them over the years.
Congratulations on being invited to participate.
You know, considering the popularity of da Vinci's work and the tendency to petty jealousies among artists of his time, I bet the woman-breaking-wind-smile was an inside joke, and the joke is what catapulted the painting to everlasting fame. Love your sense of humor, by the way. Annie in Austin (The Transplantable Rose) recommended your blog post about kissing bugs when she saw mine about love bugs. Sure hope we don't get any of those critters (KBs) coming to Florida. I am enjoying my visit here and plan on coming back.
I too, was going to say 'craftsman' - and you will appreciate the thought that came after that 'in a workmanlike manner'
Art is just saying that it has beauty. And you knew that.
Hey Bob, had to scroll down to find some of your artwork...I'd say your an artisan. I went to school for Fine art and 20 years later, still consider what I do beautification. I did paint Queen Amidalla on my bathroom door:)
Horselips and I would love to come check out your stuff sometime! Be sure to post when you're "showing" again!
Bob, you know you are an artist, I have always said that. Thanks for dropping by ROCK yesterday......so you can create some more ART....
This is a ggreat blog
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