Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Garden Metalwork

Metal worker by trade and gardener by hobby, it's nice for me when the two come together. It seems metal just goes well in the garden, the lawn or the patio. I always consider myself lucky when I get those kinds of jobs because I just enjoy it more and maybe because I have an artistic yearning to satisfy. While a gardener can get a lot of metal work from nurseries, it is usually cheap, poorly made stuff from Mexico or China. Some people have their own ideas of what they want and need to have it custom built. I've gotten to do a couple of jobs like that recently and both of the customers were great gardeners as well.

One was just a simple arch over a gateway. The house is just a beautiful old ranch house that has been restored. The lady that lives there was raised in the house but has only been living back there now for a few years.
She plans on having vining roses climb up and over the archway. It should look just stunning.

There are flower beds behind the snort rock wall all the way around the yard with roses staggered through them.

She showed me pictures of them from last summer and it was gorgeous. This was in early March and I have an invite to go back and see them all in bloom. Can't wait.

The next job was a gate for a deck. The lady that lives there has beautiful gardens as well as plants in pots just every where. She was worried about accidentally falling down the stairs while tending her potted plants on the deck. There really wasn't that much room to move around on that part of the deck. She is in my native plant club and had seen another gate I had built for some one in the club and wanted hers to be similar.

The gate turned out just like she wanted it and should fit it's function well.

After installing the gate, I was privy to a stroll through her gardens, and lovely gardens they were.While it was not a mature garden, as she has only lived here two years, it was still beautiful.

 She has a stunning Peggy Martin rose that sprawls along her fence. You can see the first pink blooms, a promise of the explosion that is about to come. I must have one.
There is still some grass in the front yard but it is short lived. The crew to remove it was arriving as I was leaving.
I like leaving little surprises when I do these kinds of jobs. I left a grasshopper at the first house and a lady bug at the last. Both ladies found them within a few days and called to say what a nice surprise it was.

I haven't posted in a while. The gardening just about came to a stand still. Lyn fell and broke her arm....bad.
A few days afterwards, her left leg started to give her some intense pain as well. After an MRI, it was discovered she has five bulging discs as well. I've had to do a lot more than normal around here. I didn't realize how much she takes care of until I had to start doing a lot of it. That and going to a lot of doctors has put the gardening on the back burners, but I'm getting back to it now.


Tabor said...

You have a rich talent and that is wonderful that others appreciate your efforts. I smiled at the little whimsy you leave behind.

Wizzie Brown said...

LOVE the bugs!!

Hope Lyn is doing better.

katina said...

That's an awesome gate you made. and I love the ladybug and grasshopper (especially like that the grasshopper is made out of a rail road spike). I hope lyn is doing better and that the removal of that pin went well.

Elgin_house said...

I'm sorry to hear about Lyn's arm & back! I hope she mends soon!

Your metalwork is lovely--I especially like the flowering tendril you worked into the gate.

I hope you're both back in the garden soon!


ConsciousGardener said...

Nice post Bob, I'm sooo sorry about Lyn! Take beautiful care, and for pete's sake, make that girl a big pitcher of margaritas!

Rock rose said...

So sorry to hear about Lyn's added woes. Hope by now things are healing. You do wonderful metalwork Bob. I love the little touch of the vine on the gate and that little ladybug-What a sweet thing of you to do.

PJ | Home and Garden Decor said...

seeing those metal works I'm really amazed about how talented you are.
The lady's home looks just gorgeous and she couldn't make any better choice than asking you to create and add some metal works to it.
The fence gate with the lovely vine motive is just beautiful.
Best Regards
Paula Jo (Spring, TX)

Patty Soriano said...

Bob, so sorry to hear about Lyn's problems ! I went through the same type of thing in the best weather part of our spring. Dog ran into my leg breaking it, so needed surgery to put in screw. 10 days later back in hospital with pulmonary embolisms. Lyn and I are both blessed to have such wonderful husbands around to help take care of us, the garden, and all the other chores while we recover. I hope she's doing much better and on the road to good-as-new !

Jamie Keifer said...

That's a BIG garden you have there my friend. Your pictures were like a garden tour for me, and the insects made it seem more realistic. LOL. How long have you been taking care of these plants?