I had to crawl through a lot of Petunias to finally get a shot I liked. I'm telling my wife that the dog mashed them down. This is my first time to enter this photo contest. It sounded like it would be fun and it was, certainly a different view. Here is my entry.

Hi Bob.
Look at this little chap...so much color...so cute. Love the leaf texture also . I saw the smallest baby dragonfly today in the patch, tried to get the picture, but the little ones are always the most easily spooked. Great shot, and good luck in the competition.
What a dapper little guy. Great detail in your photo!
That's fantabulous, Bob! Good luck!
This is a grasshopper insect type? Never seen one like this. Great depth of field.
Lovely, lovely shot! The natural light is quite nice and the color of the insect really pops.
Great depth of field, and the colors are beautiful. I love your wildlife shots!
An amazing insect shot that makes me want to know: what is this creature?
Wow! What a fabulous shot and a wonderful beastie!
Great shot! You have an eye for color & composition....and a heck of a good macro lens!
Thanks for all the kind comments folks. This was one of about thirty pics of this little guy. I am no where close to being in the category of ESP or Digging at getting close up bug shots. I think they stalk their gardens in camos with face paint on to get some of their shots.
That said, these little guys show up in my gardens every year. They are only about 3/8" long and don't appear to ever get any bigger. I have seen a picture of one on another blog but I can't remember which one. Thanks again, Bob
I've tried to take pictures of this grasshopper in the past, Bob, but mine didn't turn out so cute as your entry to the contest!
Some similar photos bug ID sites suggest they might be Painted Grasshopper nymphs. But if we don't see the adults, where do the nymphs come from?
(says Glinda because I've been working on Divas of the Dirt stuff but it's just me -
Annie at the Transplantable Rose)
Wonderful depth! And colorful bug! Good luck, it's a great shot!!
That is one freaky little bug. You've captured it perfectly.
He's almost cute but I bet he's going to grow into something a good deal bigger and probably not garden friendly
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