Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ol Blush

The Ol Blush Rose has really put on a show this year. The rain has been just enough and at the right time so all the roses look good, but the Ol Blush is just spectacular.

You can see wire mesh I've had to add to the outside of the fence to keep the deer from eating it.

I wish I could add aroma to these pictures as it is on a par with my Don Juan rose for sweet smell. I would grow it just for the aroma but it is a beautiful rose as well.
I always get two good flushes of blooms a year and some times a third in good years. There usually is a few blooms on it between flushes as well. If you have a gate top or arbor, it is a good plant to use.


Tabor said...

I can smell the fragrance from here. I planted a Don Juan last is only 2 feet high but I have hopes for my arbor.

Bob said...

You will like that Don Juan Tabor. It is my favorite rose. The aroma is just unbelievable and it is a stunning red beauty as well.

Elgin_house said...

I love "Ol Blush," too. Mine peaked 2-3 weeks ago--I'm in Elgin, which isn't all that far away, but is wetter. Mine's just about the size of yours--just big enough to be impressive for the first time, and to make me very excited about how it will look next year, when it will be SO MUCH BIGGER!

Tabor said...

Yes, that first photo was the Don Juan. It has thus far given me two flowers. I transplanted the little guy just this spring, so it will take until next year.

katina said...

it is a lovely if only I really liked roses growing in my yard...though really I think it has more to do with the fact that I equate rose with work (in colorado we always had to prune them all the time, and I'm just not that into pruning).

Bob said...

Katina, you don't have to prune climbers so no excuses, get one soon.

ConsciousGardener said...

Wow, mine has just dropped everything...including a good portion of her leaves. Last month she peaked. I do love her, she's my front porch pergola girl! The smell is divine, when she does her thing!

Elgin_house said...

Thanks for the offer, Bob! Matt & I would totally love to take some spares off your hands! Are you free this weekend? We've got some baby roses and a few spare crinum bulbs, if you're interested. You can reach me at amaryllidaceous at gmail... etc.

TexasDeb said...

What Bob, you mean you can't do "scratch and sniff" on your blog posts yet? Get with the program!

I've got some kind of rambler that we were gifted with years ago from a grateful patient of the Hub's. Misunderstanding how it wanted to grow, it has been moved around several times and I am hoping to find a perfect spot along a fence to sort of let er' rip by next season. Your shot of Ol Blush relit that fire. Thank you!

(Not going to make it to the weekend event - painting going on here - hope to get to one eventually though and meet everybody "live". You especially!)

Rock rose said...

Lovely, Bob. Maybe I should pull out Zephirine drouin and put in one I don't have to prune. She likes to ramble forwards and is forever getting in our faces while we are sitting in front of her.

ESP said...

Great pictures Bob! The Ol Blush Rose (and as you know I am not a rose person) is enough to change this! This rose is going to look incredible in the years to come as it spreads down your fence-line, it already is quite the fine specimen.

The Calylophus you gave me already has developed three small blooms! Shocking!