One is a bushy tree/shrub that grows on a fence line just west of the Hwy 183 and Hwy 29 intersection. It is a very attractive plant with pink blooms that appeared two months ago and are still there, looking really good in the heat. Its foliage is kind of juniper looking. I think it might be a Salt Cedar but I am not sure. I've seen Salt Cedar years ago but I don't remember any flowers. I would like to get one of these as it is handling the heat and drought so well with no assistance from anyone. But of course, if it is, it's on the Texas invasive species list and I would be a bad person for owning one. But then I have been bad before.
The other is possibly a Four O'clock, although I've never seen one like this. The stems and leaves are close but the flowers are not like any of the 4 O'clocks that I've ever grown. I noticed them growing out of a mound of dirt on a ranch where I was welding on a hay spear. Like most ranchers I have ever known, he said I could have all I wanted. I dug up two big ones and a lot of little ones. When I dug them is when I noticed that the root was the size and shape of a large sweet potato. My 4 O'clocks never had a root like that. The blooms were very pretty and the plants were doing just great in the heat, even growing up in the mound of dirt where I would think there would be even less water.

I am terrible at plant id myself. But I've never found a question that could not be answered by Mr Smarty Plants.
The shrub is definitly tamarisk, and appears to be tamarix ramosissima. But any of the tamarisk plants are bad. and you see one reason, they handle drought and heat with no problem. But they are prolific seed producers, and since the seeds are very small, they are easily carried by the wind.
Sorry, but you need to take it out.
Larry aka TamariskBasher
The pink flower looks like a four o'clock to me. They do develop huge tuberous roots which makes them almost impossible to get rid of once they are least those wild magenta ones (like in your photo) do.
Great post thankyyou
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