Monday, August 24, 2009

Too Many Goldfish

The big goldfish give-a-way got rid of about seventy goldfish. It helped but was no where close to the number we need to move. Lyn has been running her trap line several times a day getting the little ones out and moving them to some tubs in the back. The tubs make for easy extraction when we find a sucker, errr, I mean someone who needs fish. We called Hill Country Water Gardens and asked them if they wanted any little goldfish and were surprised to learn that they needed fish in some of their ponds. You can see in the picture there are a lot of little fish in the buckets. I would guess a little over a hundred.

The fine folks at Hill Country Gardens are some of the nicest folks around and I didn't mind helping them out as they were helping us out as well. I would say that there is at least a hundred more that will have to come out of the big pond so if anyone out there needs any goldfish just let me know. They are in all colors, most but not all fantails. Other wise they are going here.


Pam/Digging said...

As one of the beneficiaries of your free fish, yippee for your surplus and your generosity! The babies are faring well in my new stock-tank pond.

Tabor said...

We currently only have two goldfish in our little fountain. I see them being 'sexy' but am hopeful that fall will come soon.

Bob said...

If you need more just hollar Pam.

I wished you lived closer Tabor as I could definitely load you up on goldfish.

Unknown said...

How did you end up with so many? Just the goldfish birds 'n the bees activity?

Bob said...

Bonnie, we never had a problem when we had a pond with the plants in pots. We would get 4 or 5 babies a year. When I built the ponds we have now, I made them so all the plants are direct planted and let the pond naturalize itself to be, well, natural. There are shallow places with bog plants and these shallow areas are perfect for spawning fish. Now the fish do what is natural, have babies, and lots of them.

For the last five or so years I have had a few Goggle Eye perch in the big pond to eat the babies and it has worked quite well. I think a big water snake ate them earlier this year. So, here I am, trying to get rid of a bunch of baby fish. So, Bonnie, do you need a hundred or so baby goldfish?

Rock rose said...

I had no idea that goldfish bred like rabbits. When I was little it was the biggest prize at the fair-including a coconut! Does natural selection not take care of them? Mothers don't eat their babies or something like that? I'm glad you found a home for them.

Walt in Timberwood said...

I have a natural pond about 15 x 40 x 5 and put in a dozen goldfish. After a week or two I had about 6 so I bought another dozen. One year later I have hundreds. I'm way past trying to give them away. I want something to eat them - ALL. Any suggestions ? Oh I don't want it or them to eat my two huge koi. Thanx

Cheap Viagra Online said...

I love The big goldfish, I have many of them in a pool in my back yard, they are awesome fish..thank for posting...