Saturday, April 4, 2009

Lady Monster

I was in Liberty Hill this week and remembered to take a picture of a Lady Banksia rose that I look for every year at bloom time. It is a monster, climbing completely over an old house. It is so thick you can't even see the house except for the very peak. There are blooms numbering, literally in the thousands. If you get up this way you can see it right across the tracks from the Hobo Depot cafe in the middle of town.


katina said...

Holy crap!

bill / prairie point said...

there is a house under there!

Morning Glories in Round Rock said...

Isn't that great? Lady Banks can cover a multitude of sins--and anything else that gets in her way! LOL!

Chandramouli S said...

Wow! It seems to have gone crazy! Thank you for your pic, Bob!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bob.
That is pretty scary. It would be great if an eccentric person was living in there - it would be like an enchanted fairytale. You could get all your groceries delivered and emerge but once a year (cutting your way out the front door with an axe), wearing an old crone mask to freak out the local community.

That must be quite a sight in full bloom!