We actually got a little shower last night and another around two in the morning for a total of 5/8". It wasn't much but after 91 days without it, it will do for now. When I started to smell rain I went up the big hill behind the house to my neighbors. It's a wonderful spot to observe weather as there is a 270 degree view. When I got there, and looked out over Lake Georgetown, I saw a beautiful promise of what nature was about to bestow on me. Hope you like the picture.
Lovely photo. Lovely rain. We got a little bit finally on Wednesday and Thursday.
You sure make me wish I was out in the country and not downtown!
Hi, Bob! Thanks for stopping by at AP. My mother is my gardening mentor too. I loved your story about the snake. I was hunting arrowheads at my sister's ranch near Encinal and came face to face with a 7-ft. diamondback on New Year's day as I was flicking flint pieces in a culvert. It was January, snake was sluggish. When it moved, my body jumped back about 10 feet--involuntarily! I guess it's some primordial instinct.
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